Powered by CyTOF® technology


CyTOF® profiling of human peripheral blood samples before, during and after the onset of autoimmune uveitis has been used to target 34 proteins and perform comprehensive profiling of immune cells that correlate with the pathogenesis of the disease. CyTOF analysis suggests that specific subsets are important in determining the course of treatment and other aspects of the disease. The team also used cell barcoding, which is an advantage of CyTOF technology, and there will be a discussion on how to measure valuable samples for rare diseases.

Dr. Shibata has been engaged in drug discovery research at a pharmaceutical company and then in academia for a wide range of research on infectious and autoimmune diseases. We hope this lecture will be of interest not only to those in the field of immunology but also those interested in high-level analysis using high parameters in various other fields.
